Kids Party Planning Step #4:
Kids Birthday Party Time
Choose Weekend Afternoons!

When is the best kids birthday party time?

Hands down, it is on the weekend and a Saturday afternoon will reduce the amount of Feeding you'll have to do. Schedule the party through lunch into the afternoon if you want to cook a meal. Cake, snacks and combinations of store bought and homemade 'Finger Foods' will keep it manageable.

With each of our Birthday parties we always try to reduce any extra preparations so we can get more time to enjoy the party.

Relieve your party stress levels:
  • Pull-off a good Birthday party in a few hours
  • 3 hours has been an ideal amount of time for:
    -some indoor & outdoor play, food, snacks, cake,
    -games, activities and present opening
  • include start and end times on your birthday invitations
  • Reasonable times help parents with other commitments
  • Choose either a 2 hour or 3 hour birthday time:
    -2 hours could be 10-12, 11-1, 12-2 or 1-3pm
    -3 hours work well 11-2, 12-3 or 1-4.
  • Make a time schedule for your 2 or 3 hour birthday time slot
  • Stick to your schedule but be flexible
  • Keep the goal that all are involved and having a good time

Our first few parties for our kids that included 'outside of the family' guests seemed to always run out of time. We would highly recommend that you add an extra hour to the time frame you think will work. A couple of times, parent pickup started before we even got to the presents but we took pictures of the gifts with the birthday child after the party and sent thank you cards with pictures of the gifts given by each guest to make it special. We try to think in terms of 1 hour blocks of time for activities and sections of the party for the best approximate party times. With each party we feel like we are getting a bit better with froward planning out our kids birthday party time, with practice we will improve with each kids birthday party.

Theme, Date, Party Location & Times, now our next kids party planning step is to...

Add Birthday Party Entertainment or Outside Entertainers for the Party.

Have an awesome Party!

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